2015年3月25日 星期三


五路財神餐車創業首 選之一:“ 滷大王麻辣滷味創業第一名,因為採用前衛的浸泡陳列爐,讓每個浸泡在滷汁裡的食材,看到聞到都有勾引客人味蕾的魅力。比滷味更滷味,香辣爽口的湯汁搭配活蹦亂跳的三 寶,在嘴裡交織著幸福美味的進行曲。滷大王麻辣滷味,超強的滷汁香氣更是讓兩百公尺遠的民眾聞香下馬,喝一口麻辣湯汁就像在嘴巴裏大跳芭蕾舞...飄香走 紅滿街賣,五路人潮皆財神,門外漢也能創業一片天!紫色卡通小攤車打造一手好生意,小兵.創業.新動力.一餐車一主題一品牌 一特色!全球最多元的創意餐車盡在五路財神!

小本創業最愛「九色醬燒雞排,創業新品種登場,具有創新工法醬燒雞排的絕招,深受民眾的青睞。九色九香醬燒雞排:麻 辣醬燒雞排.泰式酸辣醬燒雞排.梅子醬燒雞排.咖哩醬燒雞排...九色魔法一吃就上癮!九色醬燒雞排,多層次的口感!有讓客人再掏錢消費的撇步!小資金. 微創業.小老闆,打造幸福小事業...五路財神幫助您!

Taiwan Food Franchise-Taiwanese Vendor Carts

Richmaker Company the Taiwanese snacks Venture headquarters to Taiwan’s night market culture is more diverse, in particular, to develop creative styling vendor carts, different from the traditional vendor carts, with functional and watermelon, lanterns, a rice bowl, coffee cup,steamer and a variety of shapes, street vendors can also be very beautiful, “sold like" this is Richmaker Company creative ideas. Even better, modeling vendor carts can also have a variety of color changes, bright and lively streets of Taiwan. website:http://www.22991111.com